With a 54% increase in the energy price cap, and soaring energy bills pushing up utility costs, businesses are looking for new ways to save money. An investment in recycling offers both energy and cost-saving benefits.
In 2018, studies into business recycling showed that nine in 10 companies did not have a recycling policy. With other operational concerns, it’s easy to dismiss recycling as an unnecessary hassle. But recycling can actually save money by reducing your energy bills.
What is the relationship between recycling and energy?
Recycling is so much more than recycled products and a separate bin collection. Reused materials take far less energy to produce, thereby reducing our impact on the planet.
In essence, recycling saves energy costs because we require less processing and less energy for further production. For example, “Green Steel” requires a lower volume of resources, such as coal and coke, to be mined, transported and processed. This energy-intensive process is very costly, and recycling is incredibly valuable to the steel industry. Only 3% of construction steel in the UK goes to landfill.
Recycling plastic
Likewise, recycled plastic has significant energy-saving benefits. When producing plastic from scratch, we take natural raw materials like oil and gas and refine them into polymers. These in turn are melted, hardened and broken into small pellets. The pellets are then moulded together into plastic packaging.
This process is naturally energy-intensive. In fact, 3% of global GHG emissions come from plastic packaging. By producing less plastic from scratch, we can reduce this figure.
When we recycle, we cut down on this multi-stage process. Recycled plastics have already been refined into a usable state. According to WRAP, it takes 75% less energy to make a plastic bottle from recycled plastic compared with using ‘virgin’ materials. This results in crucial energy and cost savings.
How much energy can recycling save?
The energy level saved by recycling depends on the product. Recycling an aluminium can, for example, saves up to 95% of the energy needed to manufacture a new one. The energy saved from recycling a glass bottle could power an old 100-watt light bulb for four hours – and a new LED bulb for even longer.
A common misconception about recycling processes is that they use more energy than they save. This is a myth. Mining and processing raw materials require massive energy expenditure.
The versatility of recycled products allows us to save energy in other ways. For example, recycled glass is often converted into products for wall insulation. This may lead to lower heating bills in the office.
How does this save me money?
Recycling can save you money by helping make production less energy-intensive. Product designers are moving towards a circular economy. This means products will increasingly be designed to be re-used and more easily recycled.
Energy-intensive production from scratch increases the costs of all products. By recycling, you can start to cut down those costs, and start the shift towards the circular economy. ‘Sustainability’ doesn’t just mean the planet’s future – it’s your business’ future, too.
In the immediate term, cutting down on non-recyclable waste can help you avoid Landfill Tax or the Plastic Packaging Tax. At Hubba, we’ve got the know-how to get you started on this.
Getting a good grip on up-to-date recycling protocol can be difficult. Don’t let uncertainty stop you from kick-starting your business’ efficient, manageable recycling operations. Speak to Hubba for expert guidance on business waste management, whatever your industry. Save energy, time and costs by contacting us today for your free waste management audit.