Three signs you need to sack your waste collection company

If you run a business, your waste collection company is one of your most important suppliers. It may not be first in your list of priorities, but the consequences speak for themselves. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, businesses face fines of up to £5,000 if they violate green regulations.

But like any supplier, a waste collection company should still offer great value. Here are three signs that it’s time to take yours to the tip.

If they’re charging you excess weights

Getting your head around waste collection fees isn’t easy. Your supplier is likely to charge you lift fees – the price for emptying a bin. Each bin will have a maximum weight, which could incur extra fees if this is exceeded. In the worst cases, suppliers may even charge fees for bins that don’t go over the limits.

It’s essential to keep an eye out for bad business practices like this. Be wary of your rubbish size too. Bulky waste can soon add up, so a good supplier should advise you on how to keep this down.

Your business may also be liable to pay landfill taxes. The UK landfill tax for 2022 is £98.60 per tonne. A good waste collection company will be transparent, helping you to avoid excess fees rather than adding hidden costs. They should guide you to better solutions, and embrace new technology. For example, glass crushers and food waste stations can reduce the bulk and weight of your waste. You’ll also score those crucial green points.

There’s no reason to stick with a supplier who isn’t ‘pulling their weight’.

Unresponsive and uncaring customer service

Good customer service doesn’t only make your job more pleasant – it saves you money. Being bounced around from person to person costs your company time and manpower.

Your waste collection needs to be reliable. Late or forgotten collections cause major problems for businesses. They should also be forward-thinking, helping you shift to new regulations and new technologies.

A good waste collection partner also appreciates that waste management is much more than just disposal. It includes encouraging good, sustainable practices and championing businesses that meet their goals. Your waste collection company should help you gain certifications like the Green Mark, and promote your achievement when you do. Look for a supplier that offers this added value.

They’re not helping you limit your environmental impact and reduce costs

UK businesses in certain sectors may have to adhere to very strict waste disposal regulations. A good supplier will offer advice on these, for example, guidance on the Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005. A company that’s not on top of your specific waste collection needs may be a safety risk.

Government recycling targets mean there is a financial incentive to limit your environmental impact. The current ambition is to reuse or recycle 55% of total waste by 2025. As such, businesses are increasingly penalised for unsustainable practices. The landfill tax and the plastic packaging tax are some of the key fees your waste collection company should be helping you avoid.

A good supplier understands that businesses value a positive environmental impact. In part, this is because customers are starting to value this more and more.

Switching is easy

There’s no avoiding it – choosing a supplier is difficult and time-consuming. With Hubba, you get the benefits of working with a broker instead. Our job is to make the selection process easy and efficient. We simplify invoicing, cut out call-centre waiting times, and ensure you’re not locked into unmanageable contracts.

Supply-chain managers Achilles state that waste is the “enemy of efficiency and effectiveness”. We agree. At Hubba, managing your waste – material, financial, and time waste – is our top priority. Contact us today for your free audit.

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