What is Waste Compliance?

Effective waste management is not just a cost saver, or an exercise in ethics — it’s also our legal duty as business owners.

How wasteful are Christmas cards?

Royal Mail estimates that approximately 150 million cards are sent each year. Unfortunately, as our latest article shows – that’s a very big problem!

The 3 Types of Waste That Can Actually Reduce Your Costs

Waste management is one of the highest overlooked costs for UK businesses. In the 2017-2018 tax year, Britain spent £0.89 billion on landfill tax – incentivising more and more companies to switch to sustainable alternatives. While recycling reduces waste management costs, segregating waste can reduce them even further. Specifically, businesses should focus on food, glass […]

What is recycling and why is it important?

Have you ever wondered exactly what recycling is, and why it’s important? In this article we explain the basics of recycling, including the legal obligations for all UK businesses.