Should we think twice about those Christmas gifts?

christmas overflowing waste bin

Retail footfall figures could be the final nail in the coffin for the annual “retail festival” of Black Friday. Amidst a perfect storm of high inflation, energy costs and sustainability concerns, the usual lustre of tempting discounts was missing in 2022. The Guardian reported lower footfall figures than pre-pandemic levels, compounded with football fever and […]

How Much Recycling Actually Goes to Landfill?

With a renewed focus on sustainability across the globe, everybody has their part to play. Encouragingly, recycling rates in the UK have been on the up steadily since 2010.  This is thanks to initiatives such as the Government’s Circular Economy Package. As part of the package, the Government wants to hit a target of 65% […]

Sustainability Action Planning: The latest service from hubba

clive maple, adrian davies, hubba directors

In an increasingly uncertain world, from climate change to energy prices, UK businesses are seeking stability. When it comes to doing our bit for the planet, we can create the future we desire – and it all starts with planning. That’s why hubba has introduced the new Sustainability Action Planning (SAP) service. As social responsibility continues to […]

Circular versus the linear economy: the facts

As the move to combat climate change continues to gather pace, we all have a responsibility to do more for the planet. While we can change our daily habits as consumers, it’s also important to consider how we can contribute as a business. At hubba, we have a clearly defined Sustainability Policy. Our environmental commitment […]

How Does Recycling Save Energy?

plastic recycling saving energy

With a 54% increase in the energy price cap, and soaring energy bills pushing up utility costs, businesses are looking for new ways to save money. An investment in recycling offers both energy and cost-saving benefits. In 2018, studies into business recycling showed that nine in 10 companies did not have a recycling policy. With […]